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PROGRESS & updates
HSI releases "Guide to humane washing" for financial institutions
Humane Society International’s Farm Animal Welfare and Protection released the “Guide to humane washing,” a resource to support financial...
IFC and HSI cohost "Integrating farm animal welfare into financing" webinar
Cohosted webinar between HSI and IFC about the importance of integrating farm animal welfare into financing
CIWF U.S. releases first annual PigTrack report
CIWF U.S.'s first annual PigTrack report
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) includes animal welfare in 2024 Environmental and Social Policy update
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) , one of the largest development banks in the world, released an update to its Environmental and Social...
HSI releases report: "Welfare issues with furnished cages for egg-laying hens"
Link to report: Welfare issues with furnished cages for egg-laying hens June 2024 FURNISHED CAGES were developed in response to...
GFFN's "Blue for Good Food Finance Data Systems Integration" includes animal welfare
The Good Food Finance Network (GFFN) released its “Blueprint for Good Food Finance Data Systems Integration” in May 2024. Integrated Data...
Banks for Animals 2024 Report rates financial institutions on animal welfare policies
Banks for Animals released their 2024 updated report, “Beyond Profits: Global Review of Financial Institutions in Animal Welfare and Food...
FARMS welcomes animal welfare progress by Standard Chartered
In February 2024, Standard Chartered , a multinational bank headquartered in the U.K. that primarily finances companies in Asia and...
Humane Society International launches "The business case for preimplantation group housing systems"
Access the report here (in English). Access the report here (in Vietnamese). Access the report here (in Thai). Financial institutions...
HSI releases "Financial institutions' guide to farm animal welfare"
This guide was created for financial institutions and those that work for financial institutions. The goal of the guide is to educate...
OECD includes animal welfare in its Guidelines for MNEs
The OECD includes animal welfare in its updated Guidelines for MNEs
WWF and Finance Earth Launch Blue Finance Innovation for Fisheries Improvement
Directly from the press release: Global financing model aims to catalyze more than $100 million in fisheries improvement by 2030 Today,...
When the Drugs Don’t Work: Antibiotic Resistance as a Global Development Problem
Report focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals related to poverty, economic growth, inequality, health, food production and the...
The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review
An independent global review of the economics of biodiversity led by Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, has highlighted the impact of an...
WWF report warns of dangers of unsustainable food production
A World Wildlife Fund report, Bringing It Down To Earth: Nature Risk & Agriculture, has highlighted how unsustainable food production...
UNEP’s Principles for Responsible Banking reference FARMS RMS
The UN has established its Principles for Responsible Banking to ensure that the strategies and practices of signatory banks align with...
UNEP’s ESG guidance for insurers references FARMS RMS
In 2020 the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) published guidance called Managing environmental, social and governance risks in...
California ban on cages for chickens, pigs and calves
Photo by Matthew Prescott
Successful "End the Cage Age" campaign in the EU
The European Commission has committed to introducing legislation that phases out and then bans the use of cages for farmed animals such...
Online database to help improve animal welfare laws
Animal welfare, the overuse of antibiotics, and environmental protection are among topics covered by a free, global database that...
DBS Bank offers attractive loan for certified cage-free free in Singapore
A ten-year deal tying sustainability criteria to finance for large-scale egg production has been signed in Singapore. DBS Bank, which...
Standard Chartered announces global cage and crate-free policy
UK-based Standard Chartered Bank, which operates in more than 70 countries, now only serves livestock clients using cage-free or...
Responsible Minimum Standards included in UNEP’s Principles for Responsible Banking
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released its Principles for Responsible Banking in September 2019 during the annual UN...
Dutch bank ABN AMRO incorporates FARMS Initiative in new animal protein policy
Dutch bank ABN AMRO has acknowledged that as a financial services provider it must recognize the environmental, social, and ethical risks...
FARMS included in United Nation’s ESG guidance for insurers
The United Nations Environmental Programme Finance Initiative (UNEPFI), in collaboration with Allianz, published the first ESG guide for...
Eurogroup for Animals endorses FARMS Initiative
15 February 2021 Experts from Eurogroup for Animals, a Europe-wide advocacy organization, were among those helping develop the FARMS,...
BNP Paribas references FARMS Initiative’s Responsible Minimum Standards
BNP Paribas is a large European bank active in more than 70 countries. One of those countries is Brazil, where beef and soybean farming...
World Bank Group includes the IFC Good Practice Note
The World Bank has set out requirements for borrowers relating to the risks and impacts of the projects they support. These requirements...
Climate Bonds Initiative references the FARMS Initiative
The Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) is an investor-focused not-for-profit organization, promoting large-scale investments that could help...
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